The Kings of Leon surprised everyone with such a quick return to the studio to produce their fourth album "Only by the night" which is due out tomorrow the 23rd of September ( Fuck Yeh!). It came as a big surprise to me as its only a year and a half after one of my favourite albums of 2007 "Because of the times" was released. Here are some reasons why I'm stoked!
1) Both the new tunes on their myspace are fuckin awesome.
2) Last year when they headlined South-Bound festival they totally killed it and were the best live act I saw all year!
3) Im amped to see which way they take their musical sound forward.
From what I've read on teh_interwebs suposebly they have moved away from their southern rock sound of their debut album and Aha Shake Heartbrake to a sound more in line with their previous release Because of the Times. You can check out Sex on Fire and Crawl over at their myspace and go and buy the CD tomorrow!
ps. this post is biased as, cos im an unashamed Kings of Leon fan. Also check out this years South-Bound line up which includes some awesome new and established artists including Lykke Li, Late of the Pier, Franz Ferdinand, The Kooks and Mystery Jets (check out their album Twenty One which is one of the best pop releases this year IMO).