Friday, May 29, 2009

Magistrates - Heartbreak

The sexually charged lads from Magistrates are back in town with their latest single "Heartbreak". Launching tomorrow. You can grap the Heartbreak EP on itunes.
Definitley could see myself getting down to this! much love Sarah!

Magistrates - Heartbreak

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

If you listen to Triple J, over the last couple of days you would of heard the fourth offering from French funksters Phoenix with "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix". Firstly I'm ashamed to say I have never listened to Phoenix previously despite the name popping up all over the place with much praise. Despite this short coming (I have many more but that's another story) I'm a happy fucking chappy after finding one of my favourite album's of the year!

Phoenix craft a pop friendly sound which doesn't stray too far off the beaten track however still sounds crisp and refreshing. It's reminiscent of those "a moment of schweppervesence" adverts (Fuck TV is brainwashing me) it's highly embraceable, clean and energetic however never leaving you with a desire to vomit up a rainbow after indulging. Lisztomania and 1901 are both two of the best songs I've heard all year and the rest of the album lives up the the high standard. They combine numerous sounds without loosing the simplicity which makes them so approachable and never cross over to the tedious and tiresome from the refreshing and energetic. They headed over to Sydney and Melbourne in the near future for some shows and we've hit up their management to see if they would like to come via Perth hopefully (there is always hope). No matter the outcome check out the Album as it's synth filled indie pop at it's best!

Phoenix - 1901

Grab the saycet remix over at Ohh! Crapp!

Buy Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix @ Amazon

Friday, May 15, 2009

El Skeletor Hombre

Sup peeps? Without any time to waste we have provided you with Friendly Fires - Skeleton Boy. For anyone planning on watching a live performance of Friendly Fires, these guys are rumoured to be amazing and their music apparently translates incredibly well when performing a live set. The catchiness of their tunes is unfathomable. The mix of electronic rock with a subtle blend of Indy infusion catches ones attention after the first play. I for one can't wait to see them live.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jamie T - Sticks n Stones

I don't think i've ever seen one man and a bass guitar create such a fukn ruckus as the aforementioned troubadour. After a long time between drinks Jamie T is set to release a new EP towards the end of next month. The first track, Sticks n Stones, brings back good memories, some not soo good (see and a fair amount of hype surrounding the rest of the new tracks. The track hits out from where the last album finished off; frantically paced, shouty verses and a good ol' sing'a'long. To the better nights in life...
And one for the next morning...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Radiohead & Rap. Really???

Sup y'all? Its nearly the end of the week and I bet many are gurning for some weekend escapades. Anyways being the generous folks we are at Made the Grade, we have provided another song by Chiddy Bang to get your weekend off to a flying start. This particular song sees a mix involving the omnipotent Radiohead. Who would have ever thought rap could be mixed with these iconic rock star legends. Well apparently Chiddy Bang have proven otherwise. Enjoy and don't forget to spread the word.

Kasabian - Fire

Kasabian - Fire from Kasabian on Vimeo.

Kasabian - Fire . . . . . . . I'm on Fiiiiiiiirrrreeeeeeeeeeeee . . . It's rockin.

Kasabian have a new album coming out titled West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum. It's due out in early June. Can't fucking wait!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

DATA - Blast from the Past

It seems many a millennia since we have been graced by the electronic synths of Data. But fear not, they have emerged from the depths and appear fresher and more exuberant than ever. If you're like us or like a fair majority of the populace on mother earth and music does get you excited, particularly electronica, then Data's new track "One in a Million" is definitely a tune not to miss. Their newest song can only be marked by that of a band with experience. A mix of catchy vocals and pacey beats, encouraged by some funky synth lines, again helps emphasise the prominent presence which Data once held in the electronic world. This song will banging out of many a house party to come and is definitely one to keep an eye out for.

Data - One in a Million

Friday, May 1, 2009

Passion Pit + Discovery

Yay. weekend.

No better way than to kick if off with some bangin new tunes.

First off. Passion Pit. The debut, Manners, is due out in the land of Oz in 2 weeks. With some mass hype surrounding its release, on the back of two kick-arse singles (Sleepy Head and The Reeling) i have fairly fukn high expectations. Something tells me this will be one big album. Here's two of the tracks for your aural pleasure. Thankyou Passion Pit.

Secondly. Discovery. Part Ra Ra Riot. Part Vampire Weekend. Two bands that have much much love around these parts. Osaka Loop Line is dreamy layers. autumn walks through the park. running late in the morning. the one that got away.

The album is due out later this winter.
