Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blogs Worth Blogging About!

Blogs worth blogging about. Blogs + Perth = Perth Blogs. Perth has heaps of great blogs about random shit. From where you can get a tasty breakfast to saturday night lovin' so here are a couple of my favourites.

Perf Kids
perf perf the ends of the earth. Perf Kids is where you find all the creative ppl of perth getting there thang on on the interwebs ie) they show you their cool shit. It pretty much covers everything from art, music, photography even to other blogs. Perf kids has all the creative shit in perth and pretty much fucking owns! Go there and support perth shite!

Breakfast in Perth
Ever wondered how to kill that hangover that is kicking your ass on a sunday morning? Well how about go get an epic breakfast from a nice cafe or restaurant in Perth. But then after having this genius thought you realise fuck i can hardly get up let alone function. How the fuck am i going to choose a nice place to satisfy my need for tasty food. Well thats when the PBB (Perth Breakfast Bitch) comes into play as she's done all the hard work for you and reviewed some tasty breakfast treats! So nows there is no excuse to be a sloth and lounge around the house all day!

Dropstitch is Perth Street Fashion. Dropstitch catches Perthians in their natural habitat looking fan-fucking-tastic and posts them on the internet for the whole world to see. There are soo many awesome outfits from all over Perth from cutting edge designs fresh off the catwalk to outrageously dressed people out on the street! From time to time they also have cool reviews of new shops and up and coming Perth designers. If you love fashion and live in Perth this is the site for you!

Chronicles of Dardia
This is random rantings from kid/girl who I'm assuming lives in Leederville and does an arts degree. Random topics range from not knowing your vagina has 3 holes to a review of a shaver. All the post are quite intriguing if a little left of center. A+ my lady.

Lobbers and Lovers
This is Perth at it's finest. Do you like downing multiple gibbons and making a fool of yourself in Public? If so this is the place for you!! Lobbers and Lovers lives up to the name with random photos of people pilling out of their brains and sloppy friday/saturday night loving all over Perth! Nothing is sacred and its just for the lulz!! Fucking good work Perth!!!

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